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Creating Websites home
Introduction to the Web
Introducing HTML
Marking up text
Setting Up
FTP and FileZilla
Links and anchors
Getting some style
Intermediate topics
Style sheets
Testing and debugging
Images and maps
Audio and video
Intro to JavaScript
The DOM and scripting
Logic and Arrays
Functions and document.write
Forms and INPUT
Other controls
HTML tables
Structuring tables
Scripting w/ tables
Inline frames
Loose ends
Here we explore the intriguing world of imbedded frames: iframes. Topics include:
Note: I strongly suggest you view all our videos in full screen mode: click the icon in the lower right corner of the video area (it shows four arrows pointing to the corners of the screen). When you are done, the Esc ("escape") key returns you to regular mode.
Lesson 23: Inline frames
Hands on exercise - part 1
This exercise brings together our work with cookies and iframes. The
question is: can cookie values be passed between pages in iframes?
We'll have you build three web pages. First, setValue.html, which accepts input from the user and puts the input into a cookie; the user is then encouraged to click on a link to invoke our second page, showValue.html, which will display the cookie value.
So open html_skel and add the following pieces to the body:
Next, open html_skel again and add the following pieces:
Note: you could test this much by launching setValue.html.
Finally, open html_skel again and add
Test this out by launching iframeAndCookies.html.
Hands on exercise - part 2
This exercise brings together our work with select and iframes. Build
a select / option list with some of your sample solutions and show them
in an iframe.
Here, there's just one web page to build:, iframeDisplay.html, which has a list of page names in a select list; when selected, the page is displayed in a frame.
Start by opening html_skel and add these pieces:
Test this out by launching iframeDisplay.html.
Note that by testing the last entry you will be testing iframes embedded in an iframe
Note also that within an iframe, there is no "back arrow": you can't go back to an earlier page in the frame unless you've built in navigation links on that page
Supplemental materials
A cumulative summary of the contents of the course so far:
Click here for the cumulative technical summary
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Email us if you would like additional information. We would love to see your comments and recommendations for our site.
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