Here we explore a bit more about the php programming language. Topics include:
Logical / boolean 'true' and 'false'
Comparison operators
The 'if' statement
$_GET, $_POST, and $_SERVER arrays
How to send emails from a php CGI: the mail() function
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Lesson 07, part 1 More php: comparisons, 'if', and emails
This exercise is primarily focused on setting up a new CGI that will implement nested
'if' statements in the next exercise.
The Table 'N' Fable club has organized a trip to visit locations in Wales named in the
mystery novel "Welsh Rarebit Gone".
In lesson 4's lab, you constructed the HTML page 'signUp.shtml', which includes a form
that invokes a CGI named 'AddTraveler.php' in your 'cgis' directory.
So in this exercise you will code cgis/AddTraveler.php - a new CGI
Here are steps to construct your first cut at AddTraveler.php:
Open phpStarter.txt and save it as 'AddTraveler.php' in your AdvancedWebFiles/cgis directory and then:
replace "==purpose / goal of cgi" with "cgi to process a sign up for our trip to Wales"
replace "==how invoked (method, webpage)" with "invoked using POST from signUp.shtml"
add some comments regarding the goals of the CGI, such as:
Build user street address, two parts (you'll not write the code until the next exercise)
Build a response page, including the constructed street address
Send an email alerting you to the new sign up
under the comment "get variables from form "
retrieve all the variables from the form into php variables Important point: since this form includes a file upload (possible picture of applicant),
all variables must be accessed using $_POST, except the file, which is accessed using $_FILES
so use $_POST["name"]
Example: $first = $_POST["firstname"]; and $last = $_POST["familyname"];, etc.
except use $_FILES["pic"] for the file item with name 'pic'
under the comment "variables used in our work"
declare the following variables:
$mailto = - put your personal name and email there
$subject = "A new sign up for the Wales trip!"
$headers = "From: put your email address here"
$msg = "$first $last has signed up to join our trip to Wales.\n";
below the comment "/* build response page */", build the response page for the user:
use the 'echo' statements already there for 'doctype', 'html' start tag, and 'head' start tag then add the following:
echo a <title> element with value "Sign-up results"
echo </head>, an end head element tag
echo <body>, a body element start tag
echo an <h1> element with content "Welcome $first, thanks for signing up to join our trip to Wales!"
echo a <p> element with: "One of the trip leaders will contact you soon to answer questions"
echo </body>, a body end tag
echo </html>, an html end tag
after the echo of </html>, send your email message to yourself
Save the resulting AddTraveler.php file and upload it to your AdvancedWebFiles/cgis directory
Test your sign up form / cgi combination: verify you get the email as expected and the user sees the feedback page.
Session 3 Addresses
Here we explore displaying addresses on a website, along with another opportunity
to use nested if's.
This exercise is primarily focused using complex 'if' statements to
construct a correctly formatted street address, based on what data the user has
supplied. It modifies your new AddTraveler.php code.
In this exercise you will extend cgis/AddTraveler.php - your new CGI
Here are steps to update AddTraveler.php:
under the comment "variables used in our work" add the following variable declares:
$addr = "" - used for holding the street address we build
$addr_back = "" - to hold city, state, zip, country: the back end of the address
after the gathering of variables from the form, we're going to build / format the address as in the lecture, so
add a comment: "/* construct front / top end of address */"
the 'front end' is basically the street address, and we'll construct it in the variable "$addr":
if addr1 from the form is omitted, then $addr = "" and ignore $addr2
otherwise, $addr = address line 1 from the form
and if there is a value in address line 2 from the form then
$addr = first_line<br>second_line
then add a comment "/* construct back / bottom end of address */"
to build the back end of the address, we consider if there are values for city, state, mailcode and country:
if city and state have values: $addr_back = "$city, $state $zip";
if city has a value but state does not, then $addr_back = $city;
if city does not have a value but state does, then $addr_back = $state;
if country has a value and it's not "USA": $addr_back = $addr_back."<br>".$country;
Finally, if both $addr and $addr_back are empty, set $addr to "N/A"
after the echo of the </head> end tag,
after the text "One of the trip leaders will contact you soon to answer questions, " add
echo: "<br> and confirm the details as we have them.</p>"
echo a <p> element with "Here is the address we have for you:<br><br>"
echo "$addr<br>$addr_back</p>"
Save your updated AddTraveler.php and test it out, especially the formatting of addresses.
Supplemental materials
A cumulative summary of the contents of this course so far:
Click here
For a combined cumulative summary of both Web courses so far,
Click here
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